You need to drop everything right now and buy Limbo

Yes really, drop whatever game you’re playing right now, and go get Limbo on XBox Live Arcade.

If you’re complaining about the $15 price tag, or aren’t sure, let me tell you something.

Limbo is worth every penny.

Less than ten minutes into the game, there is an encounter with a spider that makes it worth all your 15 hard earned greenbacks.

Download this surreal “Summer of Arcade” title, turn up your surround sound, and prepare to soak in a black and white landscape of awesome. Actually, turn that bass dial right up too. And…prepare to jolt in fear…oh yes, this game will have you jumping off the futon in your parent’s basement in fear. Not that phony Resident Evil fear either, the “holy crap I totally did NOT see that coming” kind.

Check back soon for Tom’s review.