Many Western gamers don't play Japanese games

We’ve heard this one a few times now. Japanese industry greats like Keiji Inafune have been speaking ill of their native games industry lately thanks to the rise of the rising Western games industry through franchises like Call of Duty.

“As you know, the industry has changed. It’s a totally different business here compared to five years ago. This is my personal guess, but many Western gamers don’t play Japanese games anymore or maybe they never played Japanese games. They have no interest in Japanese games,” Konami producer Tak Fujii says on the matter.

He goes on to point out that many Western gamers have only one game that they play until its sequel comes out; staying entertained by map packs and other DLC. He’s absolutely right in this regard, but unfortunately he’s reacting in the same “poor us” fashion that I see every other Japanese developer react who has an opinion on the issue.

Come on, guys! You used to be the kings of this industry! Video games used to be this magic thing from the mysterious and technologically superior realm of the East! I know the Japanese games industry is older than its Western equivalent, but that doesn’t mean it can’t embrace these new trends in gaming and make the most of them. The problem I have with a lot of Japanese games lately is that they have refused to make an effort to be relevant. Take DLC and turn it on its head with good, meaningful episodic content to add onto modern JRPGs. Figure out a way to make turn-based combat fun again. Or at least figure out another type of combat that fits JRPGs (Kingdom Hearts! Do it like that!).

Further more, can you imagine what the Japanese equivalent of Call of Duty would be? Some kind of free for all anime mayhem with players running around on walls and gutting each other with giant swords with perks and leveling mechanics is what I picture. I’d play that, what do you guys think?

Japanese game developers, I believe in you. Pick yourself up and show the world what you can do!

Source: Eurogamer


  1. Andrew McDonald

    The question I keep coming back to is why would I play a Japanese game? What game do they have that is actually worth me buying? As a PC gamer, I feel like I’m left in the cold by most Japanese developers.

    • Tom Auxier

      Yeah. The more I’ve become a PC gamer, the more I’ve cared less and less about Japanese games. Outside of Cave Story and Recettear, there’s not a whole lot (though I’m interested in playing The Last Remnant on PC because I missed it when it came out and it probably sucks).

      In terms of the article, Tim Rogers has written a ton about how Japanese developers are preventing the industry there from developing. In general it seems to be a massive disconnect between fan base and developers; ironically, though, Xenoblade supposedly fixes all the problems they’re having. Then Nintendo didn’t release it. Sigh.

  2. Sean Hess

    Yes, we do! It’s called Monster Hunter! I WANNA PLAY PORTABLE 3rd! *Sob*

    • I wish they’d release Monster Hunter Frontier here in the US. That’s an MMORPG I’d play 😀

  3. I said that!

    As a Texan, I hate all races equally. No game (or man) is superior to the white race.

  4. why are you making an article out of this? it’s not even worthy.

    so what if many gamers don’t play Japanese games, what does it matter?
    obviously the majority of Japanese games we are seeing lately are JRPG, anime-esque presentation, “moe” looking games etc. Their system is always following the same routine, they don’t like change and the day everybody accepts hoes is the day Japanese Games industry accepted change.

    Much like how Japanese gamers get tired of the FPS’s coming out of US.

  5. tanto

    This is completely retarded. 1 quote from 1 dev = everything? REALLY?

    What about bioware saying most western games suck?

    The highest selling games in the US are japanese games this gen

    The highest rated as well

    Thats a fact

    So maybe its western games that need to improve

    • Andrew McDonald

      Technically true, but hardly a representation of the situation as a whole. The best selling game of this generation is Wii Sports. The one that comes bundled with the Wii. In fact, the top 6 selling games all come from Japan. They also all come from Nintendo. So unless you are Nintendo, as a Japanese game developer, your are in a dangerous spot.

      The facts are that one Japanese company is doing extremely well while all others are doing poorly. It is the exception rather than the rule.