Nifflas Announces FiNCK


If none of those words (except announces, which should be English) mean anything to you, then you should go here and play Nifflas’ seminal platformer Knytt, a fantastic little exploration based metroidvania.

FiNCK is his newest game, to be released May 12th, as a no-fi response to his previous game, Saira. Considering it’s obvious inspiration from one of my favorite classic games ever, it looks like it might be quite entertaining.

Check out the trailer, and go download Knytt if you haven’t already. If you’re wondering whether Saira is worth the 10$, someone on this very site (*cough*) may be presenting a review of it in the coming days.

Nifflas – Trailer: FiNCK (Nifflas)


  1. curly

    the knytt level “an underwater adventure” was one of the best gaming experiences i’ve ever played.

    it’s amazing.

    • Tom

      I’ve never played any of the add-on levels to Knytt Stories. And I really should, because Knytt and the pack in for Knytt Stories were both fantastic.

      • curly

        well i’ve never played anything but an underwater adventure when it comes to knytt 😛

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