Posts Tagged 'Ubisoft'
ASSASSIN'S CREED BROTHERHOOD and the attack of the frahmisms
Initially known as Assassin’s Creed II with multiplayer, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood manages, at the same time, to deny the chance for newcomers to become emotionally invested while inviting fans to divest from a franchise whose narrative seems destined to pursue
ASSASSIN'S CREED BROTHERHOOD and the attack of the frahmisms
Initially known as Assassin’s Creed II with multiplayer, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood manages, at the same time, to deny the chance for newcomers to become emotionally invested while inviting fans to divest from a franchise whose narrative seems destined to pursue
Why Fight When You Can Run?
It is an idea that most games discourage, to say the least. Combat, hitting things, shooting things, cutting things, breaking things, slaying monsters, just fighting seems to be the big focus of most of the more well known, popular games
Why Fight When You Can Run?
It is an idea that most games discourage, to say the least. Combat, hitting things, shooting things, cutting things, breaking things, slaying monsters, just fighting seems to be the big focus of most of the more well known, popular games
No Time Left for You
[youtube] I had a moment in my life recently where I realized I was different. Younger me would have gone absolutely apeshit over Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. Not only is it a game in one of my
No Time Left for You
[youtube] I had a moment in my life recently where I realized I was different. Younger me would have gone absolutely apeshit over Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. Not only is it a game in one of my
Check Out This Outland Trailer
Because we haven’t had enough genre-bending DLC games this year, here’s a trailer for Ubisoft’s upcoming title,”Outland.” Think platformer meets Ikagura/bullet hell (it even uses the same light/dark mechanic) meets…Shadow of the Colossus (for the bosses), all packaged gorgeously in
Check Out This Outland Trailer
Because we haven’t had enough genre-bending DLC games this year, here’s a trailer for Ubisoft’s upcoming title,”Outland.” Think platformer meets Ikagura/bullet hell (it even uses the same light/dark mechanic) meets…Shadow of the Colossus (for the bosses), all packaged gorgeously in
Scott Pilgrim pitch video is epic
If you’re one of those people in the proverbial know, you’re likely aware that the Scott Pilgrim video game came out yesterday, and the film comes out two days from now. Pretty sweet, huh. It’s like living the dream. We’ll
Scott Pilgrim pitch video is epic
If you’re one of those people in the proverbial know, you’re likely aware that the Scott Pilgrim video game came out yesterday, and the film comes out two days from now. Pretty sweet, huh. It’s like living the dream. We’ll
When Nothing is True, Encyclopedias are Permitted
I’m a big fan of the Assassin’s Creed (AC) franchise, which I believe to be the true spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia games, despite fully knowing these are not great games. They are competent, good games. It’s like
When Nothing is True, Encyclopedias are Permitted
I’m a big fan of the Assassin’s Creed (AC) franchise, which I believe to be the true spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia games, despite fully knowing these are not great games. They are competent, good games. It’s like
NO MORE HEROES is a videogame developed by Grasshopper Manufacture, published by Ubisoft (North America), Rising Star Games (Europe) and Marvelous Entertainment/Spike (Japan) for the Nintendo Wii and directed by GOICHI SUDA. This article contains the following types of spoilers:
NO MORE HEROES is a videogame developed by Grasshopper Manufacture, published by Ubisoft (North America), Rising Star Games (Europe) and Marvelous Entertainment/Spike (Japan) for the Nintendo Wii and directed by GOICHI SUDA. This article contains the following types of spoilers: