Posts Tagged 'Towns'
The Next Step: Towns is Everything Minecraft Isn't
The first time the spiders attacked, I wasn’t prepared. A legion of black chittering death-bringers led by the red commander that loomed over the rest had decided that my small agricultural hamlet had had it too easy for too long.
The Next Step: Towns is Everything Minecraft Isn't
The first time the spiders attacked, I wasn’t prepared. A legion of black chittering death-bringers led by the red commander that loomed over the rest had decided that my small agricultural hamlet had had it too easy for too long.
Is Indie Royale's Alpha Collection ready for prime time?
When I think of alphas nowadays I tend to recall Minecraft, a game eminently playable in its alpha state. In reality, alphas (and even betas) are not like that: they’re more proofs of concept than full games. Alphas are not
Is Indie Royale's Alpha Collection ready for prime time?
When I think of alphas nowadays I tend to recall Minecraft, a game eminently playable in its alpha state. In reality, alphas (and even betas) are not like that: they’re more proofs of concept than full games. Alphas are not