Posts Tagged 'Realistic'

Medal of Honor Becomes a Missed Opportunity

I have nothing but harsh words for the people over at DICE today. But, before I start firing my guns, I should give you guys some context: “I think it is a fair point.” said producer Patrick Liu on the


Medal of Honor Becomes a Missed Opportunity

I have nothing but harsh words for the people over at DICE today. But, before I start firing my guns, I should give you guys some context: “I think it is a fair point.” said producer Patrick Liu on the


A Moral Conundrum

MAG just reached over one billion in bodycount, and I’m sitting here, thinking to myself, why does it come down to this? Up until a few years ago, I played the RPG genre almost exclusively. Then high school rolled around


A Moral Conundrum

MAG just reached over one billion in bodycount, and I’m sitting here, thinking to myself, why does it come down to this? Up until a few years ago, I played the RPG genre almost exclusively. Then high school rolled around