Posts Tagged 'physicality'
How You Got Videogames Wrong: It's All Consequential
I have a friend who failed Journey. …Improbable, right? Thatgamecompany’s 2012 critical darling may be known for a lot of things, but failability ain’t one of ’em. Yet still this friend-o’mine–let’s call him Kevin, cuz that’s his name–did
How You Got Videogames Wrong: It's All Consequential
I have a friend who failed Journey. …Improbable, right? Thatgamecompany’s 2012 critical darling may be known for a lot of things, but failability ain’t one of ’em. Yet still this friend-o’mine–let’s call him Kevin, cuz that’s his name–did
How You Got Videogames Wrong #3: You’re Pretentious as Shit
Pissing you off in installments, the monthly series “How You Got Videogames Wrong” delves beyond appearances into the slimy interior of The God’s Truth (about videogames). This month we’ll be looking at difficulty in games, and what exactly it makes
How You Got Videogames Wrong #3: You’re Pretentious as Shit
Pissing you off in installments, the monthly series “How You Got Videogames Wrong” delves beyond appearances into the slimy interior of The God’s Truth (about videogames). This month we’ll be looking at difficulty in games, and what exactly it makes