Posts Tagged 'online passes'

UK game retailers desire peace in online pass vs. used game conflict

Video game retailers in the UK have been suggesting ways to broker peace between them and publishers like EA and Warner Bros over the issue of online passes and used games. Among these retailers is Gordon Crawford of indie Gamespod:

“As a retail store we would happily share part of the sale from a used game if we get something in return. Perhaps new games at better prices and no more online codes.”

That’s…a pretty good idea! This constant battle between publishers and retailers seems so unnecessary. If publishers (and developers for that matter) were given a cut of used game sales, it seems perfectly possible that we could live in a world where every single game isn’t $60. It would be a world where you could just pop a game in and play it without having to register for some profile you’ll never use and enter a 25-digit code for content you already paid for. Other retailers offered their agreements as well.

HMV said: “We all know how the business model in the industry is changing. So if there is any merit in this idea then it may be worth looking into.”


UK game retailers desire peace in online pass vs. used game conflict

Video game retailers in the UK have been suggesting ways to broker peace between them and publishers like EA and Warner Bros over the issue of online passes and used games. Among these retailers is Gordon Crawford of indie Gamespod:

“As a retail store we would happily share part of the sale from a used game if we get something in return. Perhaps new games at better prices and no more online codes.”

That’s…a pretty good idea! This constant battle between publishers and retailers seems so unnecessary. If publishers (and developers for that matter) were given a cut of used game sales, it seems perfectly possible that we could live in a world where every single game isn’t $60. It would be a world where you could just pop a game in and play it without having to register for some profile you’ll never use and enter a 25-digit code for content you already paid for. Other retailers offered their agreements as well.

HMV said: “We all know how the business model in the industry is changing. So if there is any merit in this idea then it may be worth looking into.”