Posts Tagged 'Harry Potter'

What games teach us about guns vs real guns

There’s a line in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where a wizard describes a gun as “a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other.”


What games teach us about guns vs real guns

There’s a line in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where a wizard describes a gun as “a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other.”


3 fictional universes that should go MMO

It’s really easy to imagine a well-established fictional world as an MMO. Any imaginative world beyond our own has factions, races, neat archetypes and cities that could be strung together into another WoW clone. As much as we all would like to see innovation beyond that, here’s my top three “why by Odin’s raven does this not exist?” contenders for fictional universes that haven’t already been made into MMO’s. Expect the “verse” suffix attached inccorectly to many words and plenty of foolish optimism.


3 fictional universes that should go MMO

It’s really easy to imagine a well-established fictional world as an MMO. Any imaginative world beyond our own has factions, races, neat archetypes and cities that could be strung together into another WoW clone. As much as we all would like to see innovation beyond that, here’s my top three “why by Odin’s raven does this not exist?” contenders for fictional universes that haven’t already been made into MMO’s. Expect the “verse” suffix attached inccorectly to many words and plenty of foolish optimism.


Ness and the Space Invaders

If I was forced to make a list of my favorite games, I wouldn’t pick Earthbound, but I’d really want to. Even after sixteen years, Earthbound is the strangest game in my collection. Even its sequel, the incomparable Mother 3,


Ness and the Space Invaders

If I was forced to make a list of my favorite games, I wouldn’t pick Earthbound, but I’d really want to. Even after sixteen years, Earthbound is the strangest game in my collection. Even its sequel, the incomparable Mother 3,