Posts Tagged 'ankama'
Gobbowl Impressions
Since my current job gives me free reign over an Internet connection, I tend to avoid browser games for fear destroying my productivity. Even still my previous coverage of the game left me excited, so I was very happy to
Gobbowl Impressions
Since my current job gives me free reign over an Internet connection, I tend to avoid browser games for fear destroying my productivity. Even still my previous coverage of the game left me excited, so I was very happy to
Play Turn Based F2P Soccer in Gobbowl
Isn’t it funny that as gamers we’ve barely questioned games about super fast hedgehogs collecting rings, an Italian assassin’s past vicariously experienced by a modern day bartender, and a gorilla in a red tie that fights crocodiles, but a turn
Play Turn Based F2P Soccer in Gobbowl
Isn’t it funny that as gamers we’ve barely questioned games about super fast hedgehogs collecting rings, an Italian assassin’s past vicariously experienced by a modern day bartender, and a gorilla in a red tie that fights crocodiles, but a turn