New Pokemon Anime! Insert Fangirlish Squeals!
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I care about as little as you do about any reboot of the Pokemon anime. It’ll probably be terrible unless you’re under the age of ten, whereupon it will be “omgsocooldadbuymeallthetoys” (a strong disclaimer of
New Pokemon Anime! Insert Fangirlish Squeals!
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I care about as little as you do about any reboot of the Pokemon anime. It’ll probably be terrible unless you’re under the age of ten, whereupon it will be “omgsocooldadbuymeallthetoys” (a strong disclaimer of
Games Can Now Be Art!
Roger Ebert said so! Right here! Whether he did it because he was tired of ten year olds trolling his blog for no reason, well, that’s another show. I feel like this is an important moment, because it lets us
Games Can Now Be Art!
Roger Ebert said so! Right here! Whether he did it because he was tired of ten year olds trolling his blog for no reason, well, that’s another show. I feel like this is an important moment, because it lets us
Gamer Confession: New IPs Saved Me From Abandoning Games Forever
I really did almost do it. About a year ago, around this time, I had given up. The games of yore, the new and exciting developments, from the mid 80s until sometime during the middle of the last gen…I began
Gamer Confession: New IPs Saved Me From Abandoning Games Forever
I really did almost do it. About a year ago, around this time, I had given up. The games of yore, the new and exciting developments, from the mid 80s until sometime during the middle of the last gen…I began
Diablo 2: Ten Years Later
Some things sneak up on you. The ten year anniversary of the release of Diablo II, a game I bought near launch and have lost and repurchased at least three times, is one of those things. It’s baffling to think
Diablo 2: Ten Years Later
Some things sneak up on you. The ten year anniversary of the release of Diablo II, a game I bought near launch and have lost and repurchased at least three times, is one of those things. It’s baffling to think
Shinji Mikami on Western Games, Vanquish, Influences
Talking about Western games vs Eastern games is all the rage right now. It will all reach critical mass once we start talking about east vs west RPGs using motion controls while viewed in 3D, as told by Peter Molyneux
Shinji Mikami on Western Games, Vanquish, Influences
Talking about Western games vs Eastern games is all the rage right now. It will all reach critical mass once we start talking about east vs west RPGs using motion controls while viewed in 3D, as told by Peter Molyneux
Kid Icarus Developer Talks About Western Developers; So Do I
Actually, that’s kind of a misnomer. He talks about most developers, just signals out the west for sake of easy comparison. And sure, there’s a big interview here about Kid Icarus (which I’m increasingly excited for, since it sounds like
Kid Icarus Developer Talks About Western Developers; So Do I
Actually, that’s kind of a misnomer. He talks about most developers, just signals out the west for sake of easy comparison. And sure, there’s a big interview here about Kid Icarus (which I’m increasingly excited for, since it sounds like
Next Pokemon To Feature 3 on 3 Battles, Sex Changes
This is garbage. 2 on 2 was a stretch, but it ended up working. I’d even say 2 on 2 battles are my favorite, they add a layer of challenge to the battles. 3 on 3, however, screams ‘GIMMICK’ and
Next Pokemon To Feature 3 on 3 Battles, Sex Changes
This is garbage. 2 on 2 was a stretch, but it ended up working. I’d even say 2 on 2 battles are my favorite, they add a layer of challenge to the battles. 3 on 3, however, screams ‘GIMMICK’ and
Will Gears of War 3 Insult You For Sucking?
CliffyB posted a link on his Twitter to this picture, joking that “Gears 3 is being mean to me.” Is that some sort of ranking? Or is it like Battlefield Bad Company 2, where you get this screen for killing
Will Gears of War 3 Insult You For Sucking?
CliffyB posted a link on his Twitter to this picture, joking that “Gears 3 is being mean to me.” Is that some sort of ranking? Or is it like Battlefield Bad Company 2, where you get this screen for killing
The Square Enix You Once Knew is Changing
You see, SE knows it’s getting old and antiquated. They know they need to do something in the face of all these new fangled changes that are happening to the tech/media/entertainment industry at large. Square Enix Chief Executive Yoichi Wada
The Square Enix You Once Knew is Changing
You see, SE knows it’s getting old and antiquated. They know they need to do something in the face of all these new fangled changes that are happening to the tech/media/entertainment industry at large. Square Enix Chief Executive Yoichi Wada
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Onslaught Mode Review
Now that Onslaught has dropped for us 360 owners, I finally had the chance to try the mode out for myself. Onslaught is a $10 four player co-op mode which sees individual squads running through old maps with mostly cosmetic,
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Onslaught Mode Review
Now that Onslaught has dropped for us 360 owners, I finally had the chance to try the mode out for myself. Onslaught is a $10 four player co-op mode which sees individual squads running through old maps with mostly cosmetic,