
New Fire Emblem isn't Fire Emblem

The most recent Iwata Asks involved the development team of Fire Emblem, who shared some startling news about their new DS game, Mystery of the Emblem out today (apparently) in Japan: you can toggle off perma-death. They also say that

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New Fire Emblem isn't Fire Emblem

The most recent Iwata Asks involved the development team of Fire Emblem, who shared some startling news about their new DS game, Mystery of the Emblem out today (apparently) in Japan: you can toggle off perma-death. They also say that

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Why are you here?

Most game bosses lack a certain amount of coherency with the plot at large. They’re designed to be big and scary and difficult, and most enemies in video games aren’t those things: they’re usually absent entirely, and when they’re present,


Why are you here?

Most game bosses lack a certain amount of coherency with the plot at large. They’re designed to be big and scary and difficult, and most enemies in video games aren’t those things: they’re usually absent entirely, and when they’re present,


New Pokemon are affront to God

The hardest part of this post was finding something more horrible than the things that are below, beneath the cut. It was hard work, dear reader! Fortunately, the above picture was provided for me, and off we’ve gone. Now, you

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New Pokemon are affront to God

The hardest part of this post was finding something more horrible than the things that are below, beneath the cut. It was hard work, dear reader! Fortunately, the above picture was provided for me, and off we’ve gone. Now, you

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Pokemon Black and White To Be Slightly More Mature

It’s more likely than you’d think. So, after the colors of the new Pokemon were revealed, most people undoubtedly wondered “why the colors black and white?” Well, it turns out it’s not just some arbitrary selection, and it’s not because

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Pokemon Black and White To Be Slightly More Mature

It’s more likely than you’d think. So, after the colors of the new Pokemon were revealed, most people undoubtedly wondered “why the colors black and white?” Well, it turns out it’s not just some arbitrary selection, and it’s not because

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Let's Reinvent The Wheel, By Destroying It

Dragon Age 2 details have been released, one being that DA2 will use the same “conversation wheel” that Mass Effect uses. I was excited for DA2 when it was announced, really excited. This news, however, put a bit of damper


Let's Reinvent The Wheel, By Destroying It

Dragon Age 2 details have been released, one being that DA2 will use the same “conversation wheel” that Mass Effect uses. I was excited for DA2 when it was announced, really excited. This news, however, put a bit of damper


Yoishi Wada Thinks Japan's Weak Spot Is Core Gameplay

Wada, Square Enixs’ president, divides game design into three distinct pillars: “the core gameplay element, community features, and the hardware platform it’s for.” While he thinks Japanese developers have the latter two down pat, he thinks improvements could be made


Yoishi Wada Thinks Japan's Weak Spot Is Core Gameplay

Wada, Square Enixs’ president, divides game design into three distinct pillars: “the core gameplay element, community features, and the hardware platform it’s for.” While he thinks Japanese developers have the latter two down pat, he thinks improvements could be made


New Info On Dragon Age II: Importing Origins, Conversation Wheel, More

OH BOY OH BOY, details are starting to trickle over the internets regarding the upcoming Game Informer issue on Dragon Age II…not to mention, I’ve been lurking the Dragon Age forums, watching David Gaider tell people tiny tidbits about the

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New Info On Dragon Age II: Importing Origins, Conversation Wheel, More

OH BOY OH BOY, details are starting to trickle over the internets regarding the upcoming Game Informer issue on Dragon Age II…not to mention, I’ve been lurking the Dragon Age forums, watching David Gaider tell people tiny tidbits about the

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Monetizing Failure

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a game designed to make it difficult to stop playing. The mechanics are much more addiction based than previous games in the series, specifically the ability to find and buy weapons. Metal Gear Solid 4

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Monetizing Failure

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a game designed to make it difficult to stop playing. The mechanics are much more addiction based than previous games in the series, specifically the ability to find and buy weapons. Metal Gear Solid 4

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Leliana's Song DLC Review

Leliana’s Song is a 2 to 3 hour Dragon Age DLC that focuses on Leliana’s relationship with her former mentor/lover/employer, Marjolaine, and their falling out. It does a fantastic job of detailing the fact that Leliana has one of the

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Leliana's Song DLC Review

Leliana’s Song is a 2 to 3 hour Dragon Age DLC that focuses on Leliana’s relationship with her former mentor/lover/employer, Marjolaine, and their falling out. It does a fantastic job of detailing the fact that Leliana has one of the

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Hesitations and Fears Regarding Dragon Age 2

Note: I tend to hype things a lot here at Nightmare Mode. But occasionally, I’m skeptical, too. Both can be fun! You may not have realized it or guessed it, but Dragon Age has been Bioware’s biggest game so far.


Hesitations and Fears Regarding Dragon Age 2

Note: I tend to hype things a lot here at Nightmare Mode. But occasionally, I’m skeptical, too. Both can be fun! You may not have realized it or guessed it, but Dragon Age has been Bioware’s biggest game so far.