
How terrible is the Rock Band 3 soundtrack?

Pretty fucking terrible. I’m not usually one to care a lot for Rock Band, but I’m a pretty hardcore fan. That’s a stupid statement, so I’ll explain I play the hardest guitar songs on expert. I’ve been playing since Guitar


How terrible is the Rock Band 3 soundtrack?

Pretty fucking terrible. I’m not usually one to care a lot for Rock Band, but I’m a pretty hardcore fan. That’s a stupid statement, so I’ll explain I play the hardest guitar songs on expert. I’ve been playing since Guitar


What Goes Up, Can't Go Down

Or: Why the Microsoft Kinect and the Playstation Move are doomed to fail* Update 1: I’ve realized I needed to make the definition of what ‘fail’ meant more explicit. In this case, ‘fail’ refers to catering to the non-gamer market.


What Goes Up, Can't Go Down

Or: Why the Microsoft Kinect and the Playstation Move are doomed to fail* Update 1: I’ve realized I needed to make the definition of what ‘fail’ meant more explicit. In this case, ‘fail’ refers to catering to the non-gamer market.


Medal of Honor Becomes a Missed Opportunity

I have nothing but harsh words for the people over at DICE today. But, before I start firing my guns, I should give you guys some context: “I think it is a fair point.” said producer Patrick Liu on the


Medal of Honor Becomes a Missed Opportunity

I have nothing but harsh words for the people over at DICE today. But, before I start firing my guns, I should give you guys some context: “I think it is a fair point.” said producer Patrick Liu on the


New Pokemon!: the not so fun edition

Well, depends what your definition of fun is. I have good news and bad news. The good news is there’s new Pokemon, and they look pretty fantastic. The bad news is that, with so much awesome padding, I can’t really

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New Pokemon!: the not so fun edition

Well, depends what your definition of fun is. I have good news and bad news. The good news is there’s new Pokemon, and they look pretty fantastic. The bad news is that, with so much awesome padding, I can’t really

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The themes of Limbo

We’ve written pretty extensively about Limbo, the newest game taking the games as art community by storm. And it’s a pretty fantastic piece of work, to be sure. It’s one of the first games to subtlely convey art in a

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The themes of Limbo

We’ve written pretty extensively about Limbo, the newest game taking the games as art community by storm. And it’s a pretty fantastic piece of work, to be sure. It’s one of the first games to subtlely convey art in a

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Pokemon Black and White to feature entirely new cast

You know, this is the best thing I’ve read all day. All week, even. Pokemon Black and White’s gambit is that every Pokemon you get until you beat the Elite Four (I assume there’ll be an Elite Four) will be

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Pokemon Black and White to feature entirely new cast

You know, this is the best thing I’ve read all day. All week, even. Pokemon Black and White’s gambit is that every Pokemon you get until you beat the Elite Four (I assume there’ll be an Elite Four) will be

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Fat Princess Credits & DLC Thoughts

Today, I indulged myself with Fat Princess–courtesy of the PSN ‘summer sale,’ which priced the game at a delectable 7 dollars. Who can pass up a deal like that? Certainly not me. It’s insane to think that right now, I’m

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Fat Princess Credits & DLC Thoughts

Today, I indulged myself with Fat Princess–courtesy of the PSN ‘summer sale,’ which priced the game at a delectable 7 dollars. Who can pass up a deal like that? Certainly not me. It’s insane to think that right now, I’m

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Fallout: New Vegas digs at JRPGs

Bethesda’s apparently been drinking the same Kool Aid that Bioware’s having, and decided that the best way to market Fallout: New Vegas in Japan was not to actually, you know, show off the product (possibly a good decision, considering how

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Fallout: New Vegas digs at JRPGs

Bethesda’s apparently been drinking the same Kool Aid that Bioware’s having, and decided that the best way to market Fallout: New Vegas in Japan was not to actually, you know, show off the product (possibly a good decision, considering how

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New Pokemon Black and White trailer is long, informational

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqcVf4Da23Q&hl=en_US&fs=1] Informational if you speak fluent Japanese, at least. And mostly information about the new contests, and the new….Pokemon flower garden. Hooray. Apparently your pokemon can live in a house, and have a garden, and Smugleaf can wear a bow


New Pokemon Black and White trailer is long, informational

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqcVf4Da23Q&hl=en_US&fs=1] Informational if you speak fluent Japanese, at least. And mostly information about the new contests, and the new….Pokemon flower garden. Hooray. Apparently your pokemon can live in a house, and have a garden, and Smugleaf can wear a bow


LittleBigPlanet Becomes Limbo

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFvB3LNbs_U&hl=en_US&fs=1] I wasn’t the hugest fan of Limbo, though some of my fellow writers really loved it. However, I would dare say I’m the hugest fan of LittleBigPlanet, and intrepid modders have combined the two into a Sackboy filled nightmare.

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LittleBigPlanet Becomes Limbo

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFvB3LNbs_U&hl=en_US&fs=1] I wasn’t the hugest fan of Limbo, though some of my fellow writers really loved it. However, I would dare say I’m the hugest fan of LittleBigPlanet, and intrepid modders have combined the two into a Sackboy filled nightmare.

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