I hate zombies
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxfjuwd6WWI&fs=1&hl=en_US] I’m done. I quit. When Dead Rising came out, zombies were a cool but slightly overused phenomenon, a fantastic enemy who allowed for the creation of a lot of interesting game types. Making a zombie game out of personal
I hate zombies
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxfjuwd6WWI&fs=1&hl=en_US] I’m done. I quit. When Dead Rising came out, zombies were a cool but slightly overused phenomenon, a fantastic enemy who allowed for the creation of a lot of interesting game types. Making a zombie game out of personal
Enslaved Odyssey to the West Demo Impressions
Perhaps it’s the conditioning set by previous post apocalyptic titles–which favor dull gray and brown blooms–but the world presented to me in Enslaved seems deliciously alien. Make no mistake, the world has ended here–but nature has taken its course too,
Enslaved Odyssey to the West Demo Impressions
Perhaps it’s the conditioning set by previous post apocalyptic titles–which favor dull gray and brown blooms–but the world presented to me in Enslaved seems deliciously alien. Make no mistake, the world has ended here–but nature has taken its course too,
No Excuses: Planescape Torment released on Good Old Games
Unless you live under a gaming rock (or are one of them console only folks), you know Good Old Games shut down for a week last week. Many felt they were dead, and it stirred up all the existential scares
No Excuses: Planescape Torment released on Good Old Games
Unless you live under a gaming rock (or are one of them console only folks), you know Good Old Games shut down for a week last week. Many felt they were dead, and it stirred up all the existential scares
Explodemon: Not a new Pokemon
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InQxWsmMN6g&fs=1&hl=en_US] There are games I wouldn’t know about except for the lovely folks at the IndieGames blog. Explodemon is one of them. An 2.5D platformer coming to PSN this year (hopefully), it’s endured something of a complicated development history. Not
Explodemon: Not a new Pokemon
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InQxWsmMN6g&fs=1&hl=en_US] There are games I wouldn’t know about except for the lovely folks at the IndieGames blog. Explodemon is one of them. An 2.5D platformer coming to PSN this year (hopefully), it’s endured something of a complicated development history. Not
Just Gamers
The crucial conversation of this generation of games is not whether games are art, but rather whether we, the games journalist, should be reviewer or critic. The most recent catalyst of this crucial discussion is this review of Metroid: Other
Just Gamers
The crucial conversation of this generation of games is not whether games are art, but rather whether we, the games journalist, should be reviewer or critic. The most recent catalyst of this crucial discussion is this review of Metroid: Other
Catherine with a K is his girlfriend
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1THswGEp90&fs=1&hl=en_US] My favorite author is Haruki Murakami, the preeminent voice in Japanese literary fiction. He writes books that are half real, half imaginary; the main character might be a normal guy from Kyoto, but he runs into some very abnormal
Catherine with a K is his girlfriend
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1THswGEp90&fs=1&hl=en_US] My favorite author is Haruki Murakami, the preeminent voice in Japanese literary fiction. He writes books that are half real, half imaginary; the main character might be a normal guy from Kyoto, but he runs into some very abnormal
DMC reboot runs quiet, runs deep
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJyJ4MHOxGs&fs=1&hl=en_US] It’s not every day you get to work Twin Peaks and 80’s hip hop into a title. I think this might be my finest work. Anyway, today is a good day for action gamers. We’ve got Ninja Gaiden 3
DMC reboot runs quiet, runs deep
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJyJ4MHOxGs&fs=1&hl=en_US] It’s not every day you get to work Twin Peaks and 80’s hip hop into a title. I think this might be my finest work. Anyway, today is a good day for action gamers. We’ve got Ninja Gaiden 3
Shadows of the Damned next big thing
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW4eVczkGoM&fs=1&hl=en_US] Let me hit you with a little math. Suda 51 (creator of such games as Killer 7 and No More Heroes) + Shinji Mikami (Producer of games such as Resident Evil (all up to and including 4), Viewtiful Joe,
Shadows of the Damned next big thing
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW4eVczkGoM&fs=1&hl=en_US] Let me hit you with a little math. Suda 51 (creator of such games as Killer 7 and No More Heroes) + Shinji Mikami (Producer of games such as Resident Evil (all up to and including 4), Viewtiful Joe,
October CoroCoro reveals more awkward Pokemon
Okay, I freely admit: at this point, four days from its Japanese release, I’m excited about Pokemon Black and White. Genuinely excited. The kind of excitement I reserve for things like Bastion, or for firing up a game of Solium
October CoroCoro reveals more awkward Pokemon
Okay, I freely admit: at this point, four days from its Japanese release, I’m excited about Pokemon Black and White. Genuinely excited. The kind of excitement I reserve for things like Bastion, or for firing up a game of Solium
Making a Mario game is hard!
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in6RZzdGki8&fs=1&hl=en_US] I’ve posted about some knockoff Mario related things over the months we’ve existed. You know, Super Mario Crossover and Super Mario Bros. X. You might remember the first, and not remember the second. Well, now here’s Infinite Adaptive Mario,
Making a Mario game is hard!
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in6RZzdGki8&fs=1&hl=en_US] I’ve posted about some knockoff Mario related things over the months we’ve existed. You know, Super Mario Crossover and Super Mario Bros. X. You might remember the first, and not remember the second. Well, now here’s Infinite Adaptive Mario,