I Can't Love You Right Now
After a year of anticipation, I had my hands on Pokemon Heart-Gold. Unlike everyone else however, I did not have fond memories of the old-school versions. Having played every iteration of the series since red and blue, gold and silver
I Can't Love You Right Now
After a year of anticipation, I had my hands on Pokemon Heart-Gold. Unlike everyone else however, I did not have fond memories of the old-school versions. Having played every iteration of the series since red and blue, gold and silver
“The last Metroid is in captivity The galaxy is at peace” Super Metroid begins with these iconic* words, spoken by a strangely soothing voice. It’s interesting that Nintendo was willing to woo players with voice acting then, and yet resisted
“The last Metroid is in captivity The galaxy is at peace” Super Metroid begins with these iconic* words, spoken by a strangely soothing voice. It’s interesting that Nintendo was willing to woo players with voice acting then, and yet resisted
The Shackles of Gaming
Having distinct audiences for each console is bad for the video game medium. Not only because the emergence of annoying fanboys, but also because of the high entry cost they represent. The question is: are we really ready for a solution?
The Shackles of Gaming
Having distinct audiences for each console is bad for the video game medium. Not only because the emergence of annoying fanboys, but also because of the high entry cost they represent. The question is: are we really ready for a solution?
The Sunday Gaming Club 1
Greetings and salutations! Your new friends here at Nightmaremode.net have a lot of interesting things planned for the future, though for the moment we’re still working out the kinks, and introducing you to the whole staff. In that spirit, I
The Sunday Gaming Club 1
Greetings and salutations! Your new friends here at Nightmaremode.net have a lot of interesting things planned for the future, though for the moment we’re still working out the kinks, and introducing you to the whole staff. In that spirit, I
The Ultimate Reward
I used to play Gears 2 non-stop. I rolled with the top-dogs, the people who played so flawlessly that it was more common for the opposite team to rage-quit than it was for us to lose. In retrospect Gears was
The Ultimate Reward
I used to play Gears 2 non-stop. I rolled with the top-dogs, the people who played so flawlessly that it was more common for the opposite team to rage-quit than it was for us to lose. In retrospect Gears was