Throwback: Indigo Prophecy Review
Indigo Prophecy is a psychological thriller developed by Quantic Dreams’ David Cage–whom you might know of by way of Heavy Rain for the PS3. When starting IP, there will be a couple of things which may prompt you to just
Throwback: Indigo Prophecy Review
Indigo Prophecy is a psychological thriller developed by Quantic Dreams’ David Cage–whom you might know of by way of Heavy Rain for the PS3. When starting IP, there will be a couple of things which may prompt you to just
The Sunday Gaming Club: Doughnut!
Truly, doughnuts are the king of foods. No man shalt hate them, because there are multitudes of varieties. Delicious, delightful varieties. The doughnut is king. And queen. And jack, and ace. And the joker in the deck, if there is
The Sunday Gaming Club: Doughnut!
Truly, doughnuts are the king of foods. No man shalt hate them, because there are multitudes of varieties. Delicious, delightful varieties. The doughnut is king. And queen. And jack, and ace. And the joker in the deck, if there is
Dragon Age Nightmare Mode Strat Guide: Rogue Class
This post is a part of an ongoing feature here at Nightmare Mode to provide you with an expert’s strategy guide on playing Dragon Age. Rogues are my personal favourite. When developed right they are deadly, and make even a
Dragon Age Nightmare Mode Strat Guide: Rogue Class
This post is a part of an ongoing feature here at Nightmare Mode to provide you with an expert’s strategy guide on playing Dragon Age. Rogues are my personal favourite. When developed right they are deadly, and make even a
Character Focus: May's Feature
So, here at Nightmare Mode we have something we’d like to call our ‘monthly feature,’ where we pick a subject or theme, and all participating writers and contributors submit an entry. In May, we picked ‘favorite video game character.’ Read
Character Focus: May's Feature
So, here at Nightmare Mode we have something we’d like to call our ‘monthly feature,’ where we pick a subject or theme, and all participating writers and contributors submit an entry. In May, we picked ‘favorite video game character.’ Read
Assault Class Guide, Attacking on Port Valdez
This post is part of an ongoing series of highly detailed strategy guides for Battlefield Bad Company 2 here at Nightmare Mode. This post assumes that you have read the first 10 basic tips, because a lot of the strategies
Assault Class Guide, Attacking on Port Valdez
This post is part of an ongoing series of highly detailed strategy guides for Battlefield Bad Company 2 here at Nightmare Mode. This post assumes that you have read the first 10 basic tips, because a lot of the strategies
Sunday Gaming Club: Home Grown Post for Home Grown Cats
I am, apparently, a sick motherfucker. Like, I’ve been sick for two weeks with a collection of maladies, some viral, others retarded. For example, that mosquito who bit me where the head meets the neck? I hope he died. I’ve
Sunday Gaming Club: Home Grown Post for Home Grown Cats
I am, apparently, a sick motherfucker. Like, I’ve been sick for two weeks with a collection of maladies, some viral, others retarded. For example, that mosquito who bit me where the head meets the neck? I hope he died. I’ve
Alan Wake–Review
Alan Wake is a psychological action thriller developed by Remedy Entertainment exclusively for the Xbox 360. Alan Wake starts off with a quote from Stephen King, “Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations;
Alan Wake–Review
Alan Wake is a psychological action thriller developed by Remedy Entertainment exclusively for the Xbox 360. Alan Wake starts off with a quote from Stephen King, “Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations;
Some games are so infamous that making a proper review is tricky. You can start loving or hating it and end in a completely different mood altogether. How to properly convey this? Just mentioning the change in a review is
Some games are so infamous that making a proper review is tricky. You can start loving or hating it and end in a completely different mood altogether. How to properly convey this? Just mentioning the change in a review is
E3 Predictions Contest
Like we promised, we are holding a contest which involves predictions for summer’s biggest video game event, E3. Now, the rules are as follows: you must make 10 predictions for what will happen at E3. Simple enough. The catch is,
E3 Predictions Contest
Like we promised, we are holding a contest which involves predictions for summer’s biggest video game event, E3. Now, the rules are as follows: you must make 10 predictions for what will happen at E3. Simple enough. The catch is,
Some games are so infamous that making a proper review is tricky. You can start loving or hating it and end in a completely different mood altogether. How to properly convey this? Just mentioning the change in a review is
Some games are so infamous that making a proper review is tricky. You can start loving or hating it and end in a completely different mood altogether. How to properly convey this? Just mentioning the change in a review is