How Video Games arrived
Some may say a lot of gamers are like me: a varyingly unemployed twenty-five year old who grew up on X-Men cartoons, Super Nintendo video games, and fruit roll-ups. As a generation we saw movies like Clerks and we envied Dante and Randall their lives, so devoid of anything breaking the surface of meaning. Today, everything has become meaningful. We’ve left the 90’s world of precious boredom and entered into a world where we’re obsessed with ensuring internet freedom, war in countries whose names no one knew in 1998, and health care reform. Instead of having to go out and change the status quo, we’ve been given one that we’re coming to realize is pretty fucked up. Now that narrative has changed, for them and for us: they’re back in the mail room, and our path to advancement is working for free for our best years, taking unfathomable amounts of shit, and fighting our way up the ladder, tooth and claw, until we’ve assembled a narrative that resembles the proto-capitalist myth of early overlords like John D. Rockefeller, working torturous hours for little pay. The narrative ends there, though: rather than Rockefeller’s riches we keep the long hours, the minimal pay, and we spend decades paying off loan debt to banks for giving us this opportunity. All the while we concern ourselves with things that don’t relate to the practicalities of economic development: we worry about wars our fathers started, about how they want to destroy the internet, and about what money we can give them after they retire instead of helping ourselves. Our modern video games mirror the modern situation. World of Warcraft is nothing if not the ideal of conservative capitalism, where low levels grind resources that higher levels can afford to buy and refine into more valuable things. You pay your dues, but in the end your reward is running long, grueling raids for extremely low percentage item drops. No one’s happy, but everyone is placated. You pay fifteen dollars a month, and a static expansion fee of fifty dollars every year or so, to maintain this privilege, hoping for an extremely rare drop from an extremely difficult boss to make it all worthwhile. Say what you will about Mega Man X, but this was a game that let you make your own way. There was always a way to go, a place you could solve. After the briefest tutorial you have eight robot bosses thrust at you, each with challenging enemies gathered in front of them. You have to figure out how to make your way, here, but there always was a way. We follow the crux of Randall’s speech in Clerks—go out and pursue your dreams. Change the status quo. Mega Man X was a video game about changing the status quo.
In truth, this is where video games struggle to communicate most with the young: they are an old-fashioned mode of communication. A majority of them tell the stories our parents, and our parents’ parents, want to tell. They’re not stories about pursuing our dreams, but stories about when we’ve already achieved them. We’re never no one, anymore: we’re assassin, we’re dragonborn, we’re Command Shepard’s favorite store on the Citadel. We’re never Mega Man, a cyborg with natural gifts but who has to earn everything for himself. Video games are stories about when we’ve already arrived. |
“Mega Man X was a video game about changing the status quo.”mega man is about a lot of things and you could read a lot of themes about progress, technology, humanity or war into it and come up with plenty of evidence… but “changing the status quo”? That’s hard for me to understand when there’s Mega Man 1-6 released using the same exact formula before X even came out, not to mention the 6 X games following it. And in every single game you’re back at square one when you start again. I would say that’s less “changing” the status quo and more “reliving it eternally”
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