Bioware’s Mass Effect 3 producer Jesse Houston was recently interviewed in order to answer some questions for the fans of the upcoming climax of the sci-fi trilogy. Here’s the juicy bits:
- You can completely ignore the multiplayer if you don’t want to play it. No story content or anything aside from the multiplayer gameplay itself is locked away from those who choose not to play it.
- Confirmed playable races include asari, drell, krogans, and humans of course. Other sources add turians and salarians to that list.
- Leveling up is similar to single player.
- Kinect doesn’t affect multiplayer. Ineffectively ordering your online buddies around with your headset is still supported.
- No multiplayer dialogue scenes.
- Matchmaking supports both friend teams and custom games to jump into.
- Friendly fire is off at launch. The possibility of that changing is up in the air.
- Multiplayer will be included on the main disk.
- BSN integration is currently being looked at.
- No local multiplayer for now.
- Don’t worry about servers being shut down. Never Winter Nights is still supported.
Like most gamers who react to news with immediate, poorly supported opinions I was worried when I first heard about multiplayer in Mass Effect 3, much like I was when I heard about the game having Kinect support. And yet here we are with Bioware having taken likely publisher-encouraged features in stride in creative ways that don’t interfere with fans that just want to pop the game in and finish Shepard’s story.
Bioware, applause is in order.