Portal 2 box art emphasizes co-op
Chell and GLaDOS are back, with new puzzle mechanics that I’ve seen referenced, but–like Tom talked about yesterday–I’ve been avoiding a lot of the coverage. Given the repetitiveness inherent in the rebuilding of the Aperture Science facility (rather than transferring the game into a brand-new environment), a lot of Portal 2 will come down to the separate co-op mode. It adds new story which I’ve been avoiding in the trailers. More importantly, adding a co-op partner allows new devilry in puzzle design which I’ll gladly start tackling in April 20th. If this cover art is truly “it”, it makes a lot of sense. Rather than put Chell on the cover (which would be awkward for a game where she’s revealed only through Portals), Valve is putting the co-op robot characters in the featured spot. Plus, 2-player co-op plays on the “2” in the title. Marketing people love that. |