The Friday Post: The Care Bear Cares What You Did

Hey kids it’s Friday! That means another week is dead, and we have killed it! We may stand victoriously on its corpse, laughing, until it reanimates and gnaws off our collective legs.

It’s the first Friday we’ve ever seen here at Nightmare Mode, and that means a collection of links to blogs (some ours, some not ours):

-Patricia, my intrepid fellow editor (more important editor, I would say), gave us our absolute first post ever, The Ultimate Reward. Read it, appreciate it.
-If you care about Super Metroid (and who doesn’t?), Fernando posted a lengthy retrospective. It made me think things about Metroid that I never have before, which is the best thing you can say about things on the internet.
-Graham posted a well thought out ode to game manuals. If it makes you nostalgic for manuals of the past, you might try here, a lovely site chock full of scanned manuals.
-I posted a rather lovely (if I do say so myself) meditation on death as an integral part of games. It’s a good read, if I do say so myself, and I do!
-In Not at all original to us but still important news, noble game developer Bungie sold out to the devilish Activision (Reported here). Probably the most shocking news of the month, maybe of the year so far.
-Leaving the site for the outside world, Experience Points had a fantastic feature on race in Heavy Rain, focusing primarily on how the city the game’s is modeled on (Philadelphia) is over half African American, and how Heavy Rain has a total of 2 plot characters of color. One of whom is a Magical Negro. It’s a great read, and I’m usually opposed to too much racial analysis of anything.
-In the news we haven’t quite gotten to yet (though someone will in the future), Guild Wars 2 is a thing and it is happening, and it has some ideas it does. I liked Guild Wars, so I find where this is going potentially interesting. I’ll say no more because I don’t want to spoil any inevitable article.
-My third favorite video game related site (behind our lovely selves and Destructoid), Cheapassgamer, turned seven. And is a truly fantastic site, if you’ve never been there. Basically, if you’re paying full price for any game, you aren’t trying hard enough.
-Your obligatory absurd youtube video of the day:

I hope your Friday was better than mine. I was recovering from the PTSD caused by viewing the Star Wars Holiday Special. Christ what a movie.

If you come on back this weekend, we’ve got a swampert full of interesting features. Tomorrow we’ve got…well, I don’t want to spoil any surprise or nothing. We’ve got something. Sunday we’ve got (as is usual) the Sunday Gaming Club, with three fresh games, none of them about pie in any way.

I leave you with Abra

One Comment

  1. Fernando Cordeiro

    Abra? But what about the rest of us who wanted a wild ABBA?
    I’m still walking on grass!