Posts Tagged 'research'

Stroke Patients Recover With Video Game Rehabilitation

With the innovation of consoles and accessories such as the Wii, Playstation Move, and Kinect, the health care industry is utilizing the new active form of gaming into their own procedures. Researchers have published a study at the Cochrane Database

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Stroke Patients Recover With Video Game Rehabilitation

With the innovation of consoles and accessories such as the Wii, Playstation Move, and Kinect, the health care industry is utilizing the new active form of gaming into their own procedures. Researchers have published a study at the Cochrane Database

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Researchers Determine Scariest Xbox Game

For those of you that look to video games for a good scare, scientists have determined which Xbox 360 title is the king of scream. Researchers at Vertical Slice, a British usability studio recently determined that Dead Space 2 holds


Researchers Determine Scariest Xbox Game

For those of you that look to video games for a good scare, scientists have determined which Xbox 360 title is the king of scream. Researchers at Vertical Slice, a British usability studio recently determined that Dead Space 2 holds