Let games be as challenging as they need to be
In a terrifying piece on the future of video games, Steve Fulton describes the rise of the hardcore and how developers are reconstructing the challenge of yesteryear to make games that matter. It’s a piece that scares and confuses me. I’ve been playing games that matter for years.
In today’s market, though, games are too easy, apparently. Easy is a difficult word. I would argue that the games of today are more concerned with being fair than relying on cheap deaths and save points. Automated saving or save-whenever-you-want-to systems, regenerating health, and a natural understanding of how games work thanks to the passage of time have made games more approachable, alongside a myriad of other factors, too.
As Fulton points out, there’s been a reaction to the more guided experiences of this generation. Hyper-difficult games like Dark Souls and The Binding of Isaac have found success despite the whims of the market place. These are games that revel in the oblique.
Which is great. I was worried that difficult games had fallen out of fashion. If gaming is for everybody then it must be said there should be games for every person of every skill level. I might not have the patience to enjoy hyper-difficult games, but I’m happy that they can be enjoyed at the very least.
My gripe with Fulton is his stance that “real games make you work for your bread”. What if I don’t want to work hard for my bread? There is a sense of accomplishment in games when I’m not challenged. It’s why Lego and toy figurines have endured as the quintessential children’s toy: they ask nothing of the participant other than a profound imagination. Why are we obsessed with bubble wrap? Why do kids find more entertainment in the cardboard box a game came in rather than the game itself? Because we enjoy simply interacting with things. Put us in a virtual environment where we can wander around and touch things and we’ll find something to entertain ourselves with. I’ve found an immense sense of purpose in the most mundane of video games. Yes, challenge can be important for some games but it’s certainly not applicable to all games.
It makes sense that DayZ is punishing because it’s about an apocalyptic scenario where humanity is forced to face its darkest demons. The Binding of Isaac alludes to the biblical story of the same name in which God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son. These games are meant to be exhausting. They’re not happy experiences.
If we take Fulton’s argument to its logical, raging extreme we’ll ultimately be looking at a space where the only games we see released cater to one specific group. A place where all games evoke the same emotional response of triumphing an impossible hurdle. While that’s satisfying, we miss out on so much by focusing exclusively on this familiar tribal response.
Or maybe we can start using Difficulty as a framework to analyze games with? The definition would need to be severely updated from how we’re using it today, of course, but it could lead to some wonderful insight.
But Kirby’s Adventure doesn’t need to be difficult. Kirby’s Adventure is wonderful because it embraces its dream-like setting and creates a playground filled with opportunity and metamorphosis. It gives you the building blocks of the world and lets you play with it all free from the looming threat of defeat. I want these types of game to exist.
Does this mean that I want all games to be like this? No. You can’t apply the same approach to every game that comes out because every game, and every player, wants different things. The only reason that difficulty is mentioned in the same breath as Dark Souls, Binding of Isaac, and DayZ is that it’s an inherent part of each of those games. Kirby games are easy because they’re meant to be a relaxing dream.
So, let’s have games with appropriate levels of difficulty. If a game wants to be easy, let it be easy. Let easy games challenge other aspects of the human experience. Let easy games challenge the cliché that the best games ever made were those in the past when a high degree of difficulty was the norm.
Because do we really want to live in a world without Animal Crossing or Boku no Natsuyasumi? Do we really want to ruin the enjoyment other people find in their play? |
Prince of Persia received a lot of flak for being “too easy”, something I don’t agree with. The game was just fine and I had a great time with it. I’m also a fan of hardcore titles like Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls. Ideally I’d like a difficulty selection like the Resident Evil Gamecube remake where you were asked in a more philosphical way what kind of challenge you would like from the game, rather than a simple “easy” and “hard” selection, and the game lived up to your selection.
In general “easy”, “medium” and “hard” are meaningless values for difficulty. When I start a game I have no idea what the developer thought when the game was balanced. I’d like the game to tell me the thought behind the settings, rather than just dump the words at me with no frame of reference.
@Peter Hasselström I just… could not understand that criticism of Prince of Persia. Would you rather have the game throw up a game over screen each time you tumble down and have you repeat everything all over again? I didn’t get the mentality of asking for a traditional game over screen after they had something so much better.
When I started playing the game I felt a bit tricked by all the media and forum whiners. The game wasn’t easy at all! Fights required precision and concentration, and several platforming bits took me 5 attempts to get right. The only difference between it and a “traditional” game was that they didn’t flash the “you’re dead” when you fell or lost against a monster. Instead they kept you in the story and the game without ugly seams like that.
@TB_Love weighing in ME2, my problem with the easiness is that it was still easy on the hardest level. But the normal level for people>
@TB_Love <not wanting to be frustrated? perfect
@Bigshellspoil I played the first one on Hardcore and couldn’t stop laughing at Singularity. I was in hysterics the whole way through.
@TB_Love the thing is, I am useless at action games. if ME2 was too easy for me, it is too easy
@BigShellEvent @TB_Love ME 2 is more refined, less complicated, but the mechanics are very similar. I don’t think it’s easier or harder
@BigShellEvent @TB_Love Think I played on Normal, then Hardcore for Shadow Broker- can’t remember!
@BigShellEvent I just played it as a visual novel :p
@AGBear @BigShellEvent ME2 knew what it wanted to be. ME1 was annoying because it wanted you to play it like a shooter but it wasn’t.
@AGBear @BigShellEvent ME1 was easy in its own little way. The adept skills spawned where you pointed…
@AGBear @BigShellEvent … instead of travelling like a bolt from your hands in ME2. You had a super cheaty advantage.
@AGBear @BigShellEvent All of this is besides the point because Mass Effect was just plain hilarious playing as an Adept.