LA Noire star Aaron Staton terrible at interrogations, too

Yes, you read that right. The leading man himself, the actor who plays Cole Phelps in the critically acclaimed LA Noire, revealed that he’s not very good at interrogating people in his own game. Speaking in an interview with Edge, Staton admitted that part of the only reason why he is able to move forward smoothly is because of his wife–and this is that Staton is actually a gamer. And he’s read the script! “I made it to the first two cases on the homicide desk. If I play with my wife then the interrogations go much smoother than if I play on my own; I am officially the worst interrogator [laughs].”

Of course, that may not be surprising to anyone: interrogations in the game are sometimes frustrating, due to the simplistic truth, doubt and lie system.

Staton goes on to muse over women’s intuition, noting that this phenomenon is something that he’s seen within his friend’s circle. “But I’d heard that from a couple of other friends: they found their partners, girlfriends and wives were better at picking up the clues. I don’t know if it’s women’s intuition or something else, but I think it definitely has something to do with it!”